Friday, January 29, 2010


For the past two years I've been a blackberry person with a nice physical keyboard. In the past few months I switched over to the touchscreen Droid. With that, I've had to relearn my typing. I definitely go slower than I did on my blackberry, but the auto-complete and auto correct features are pretty handy on the Droid.

The only problem is, sometimes you make a typo without realizing it, and the word is auto-corrected to something you had no intention of saying.

Usually it makes no sense, but sometimes it just sounds cool.

I sent this message to my almost-wife earlier today - to give some background, we were lamenting about not being able to see each other during the day because of work.

So my message read "At least we'll be vertigo rich"

I meant to say "At least we'll be getting rich," but I kind of like the former better.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Allusions, Dad - You Don't Have Time for My Illusions!

Somewhat of an odd reference for the title, but it makes sense in my mind (and is better than the alternative I had, which is a direct quote from the show Arrested Development, involving "tricks" and money).

But to the point, yesterday I alluded to the fact that I am in the process of buying a house. A little after that post I got a call saying that I had been approved for the loan, which is a pretty exciting thing. It's kind of scary that anybody would trust me (and my pre-wife) with over a quarter of a million dollars.

I really want to say that I tricked the bank into giving me the money, as a joke, but I've come to learn that some things you say on the Internet never go away, and can be taken out of context, so instead I'll just say how I'm excited that the bank saw how safe and reliable of an invest my pre-wife, my house, and I am, and that I can't wait to move in (in less than a month!).

Honestly, one of the things I am most excited about is my pinball machine, which has been in storage for about a decade because the lack of an appropriate abode to house it.

Unfortunately, it will not be with us during the initial move, since the storage facility in which it is housed is out in BFE, but soon enough it will be mine...

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

My Mistake

Clearly, if you have an internet connection, you know that Apple decided to move away from the iUnicorn moniker and instead opt for the iPad title. Probably a wise move as the device actually exists now, but iPad seems a little uninspired and reminds me too much of the iBad, or iBag.

Also, there's too much bevel. I guess I'll be one of those people that waits for version 2.0. Also, buying a house is expensive (and what I am currently spending my hard earned money on), so that also factors a little into my decision.

I'm still waiting to see if it will work as an awesome remote control...

Apple Tablet

So, I'm here at work, about to join a conference call, and all I can think is that I wish it was three hours from now so that I would know about the Apple Tablet, or iUnicorn has I have started calling it.

The thing is, I own an iPod Nano from about 4 years ago, and that's it - I don't even run iTunes on my computer (thanks Pandora!). And yet, I can't help but be pulled in by the Apple allure. I think I want the Apple Tablet only because I think it will be a pretty awesome universal remote.

Yes, I want the iUnicorn for its ability to control my TV. Also, so that I don't have to bust out my laptop every time I need some wikipedia knowledge dropped on somebody.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Speaking of cats...

Here is one of my crazy cats in a bag.

My New Secret Blog

I don't really have anything to say. Hopefully this will not be an extremely boring blog, but let's face it - all blogs not about cats doing crazy thing are boring, so don't set your expectations high.

Obligatory "Test Post"

Hello world!