Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Marathon Training: Week 4 Postmortem

So this idea is apparently a failure.  Not because I couldn't keep up with the paltry workout schedule, but because my shin splints have come back in full force.  I thought if I started out running less than a mile a week, spread over 3 days, there would be no way for me to re-injure myself.  I thought using the Vibram Five Fingers would prevent me from smacking the pavement in that heel-toe movement that is supposedly so bad for runners. I thought the soccer games I was playing on turf fields would have no impact because of the inherent cushioning properties of the Astroturf.

But alas, here I am.  Only a month in to the workout, and already needing to take a break.  I don't like taking advice from infomercials, but I think this time I will actually consult my physician before starting back up again.  I'll let you know what I find out from the medical professionals, otherwise, this workout plan is indefinitely cancelled.

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